I studied Computer Science at the University of Genoa and Cybersecurity at the Tallinn University of Technology (now TalTech) and the University of Tartu.

After obtaining my doctorate at the University of Genoa, I moved to Vancouver to work in the SALT lab of Prof. Ali Mesbah at the University of British Columbia (Canada). After that, I joined the TAU lab of Prof. Paolo Tonella at the University of Lugano (Switzerland) on the ERC project PRECRIME.

In 2021 and 2022, I have been the chief event organizer of Formula USI, the first hackathon in Switzerland related to scaled physical autonomous driving systems controlled by deep learning.

Since 2023 I am a scientific researcher at fortiss where I lead the Automated Software Testing (AST) Field of Competence. I am also an Assistant Professor at the Technical University of Munich at the Chair of Software Engineering for Data-intensive Applications of the School of Computation, Information and Technology.

My research activities focus on the interface between software engineering and deep learning with the goals of improving the robustness, reliability, and dependability of data-intensive software systems. Current interests involve monitoring techniques and automated functional oracles for deep learning-based systems, with a particular focus on autonomous vehicles, and the robustness and maintainability of test suites of modern web applications.