
publications by categories in reversed chronological order. generated by jekyll-scholar.


  1. ICST
    Benchmarking Image Perturbations for Testing Automated Driving Assistance Systems
    Stefano Carlo Lambertenghi, Hannes Leonhard, and Andrea Stocco
    In Proceedings of 18th IEEE International Conference on Software Testing, Verification and Validation, 2025
  2. ICST
    Benchmarking Generative AI Models for Deep Learning Test Input Generation
    Maryam, Matteo Biagiola, Andrea Stocco, and Vincenzo Riccio
    In Proceedings of 18th IEEE International Conference on Software Testing, Verification and Validation, 2025
  3. ICSEW
    OpenCat: Improving Interoperability of ADS Testing
    Qurban Ali, Andrea Stocco, Leonardo Mariani, and Oliviero Riganelli
    In Proceedings of 47th International Conference on Software Engineering Workshops, 2025


  1. pre-print
    Efficient Domain Augmentation for Autonomous Driving Testing Using Diffusion Models
    Luciano Baresi, Davide Yi Xian Hu, Andrea Stocco, and Paolo Tonella
  2. pre-print
    Misbehaviour Forecasting for Focused Autonomous Driving Systems Testing
    Molla Mohammad Abid Naziri, Stefano Carlo Lambertenghi, Andrea Stocco, and Marcelo d’Amorim
  3. pre-print
    Large Language Models for Secure Code Assessment: A Multi-Language Empirical Study
    Kohei Dozono, Tiago Espinha Gasiba, and Andrea Stocco
  4. pre-print
    Deep Learning System Boundary Testing through Latent Space Style Mixing
    Amr Abdellatif, Xingcheng Chen, Vincenzo Riccio, and Andrea Stocco
  5. pre-print
    A Multi-Year Grey Literature Review on AI-assisted Test Automation
    Filippo Ricca, Alessandro Marchetto, and Andrea Stocco
  6. TOSEM
    System Safety Monitoring of Learned Components Using Temporal Metric Forecasting
    Sepehr Sharifi, Andrea Stocco, and Lionel C. Briand
    ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology, 2024
  7. ICST
    Assessing Quality Metrics for Neural Reality Gap Input Mitigation in Autonomous Driving Testing
    Stefano Carlo Lambertenghi, and Andrea Stocco
    In Proceedings of 17th IEEE International Conference on Software Testing, Verification and Validation, 2024
  8. ICST
    Predicting Safety Misbehaviours in Autonomous Driving Systems using Uncertainty Quantification
    Ruben Grewal, Paolo Tonella, and Andrea Stocco
    In Proceedings of 17th IEEE International Conference on Software Testing, Verification and Validation, 2024
  9. EMSE
    Two is Better Than One: Digital Siblings to Improve Autonomous Driving Testing
    Matteo Biagiola, Andrea Stocco, Vincenzo Riccio, and Paolo Tonella
    Empirical Software Engineering, 2024
    [Invited Journal-first track at ICSE 2025]


  1. pre-print
    Neural Embeddings for Web Testing
    Andrea Stocco, Alexandra Willi, Luigi Libero Lucio Starace, Matteo Biagiola, and 1 more author
    A Retrospective Analysis of Grey Literature for AI-supported Test Automation
    Filippo Ricca, Alessandro Marchetto, and Andrea Stocco
    In Proceedings of 16th International Conference on the Quality of Information and Communications Technology, 2023
    [Best Paper Award]
  3. EMSE
    Model vs System Level Testing of Autonomous Driving Systems: A Replication and Extension Study
    Andrea Stocco, Brian Pulfer, and Paolo Tonella
    Empirical Software Engineering, 2023
    [Invited journal First track at ICSE 2024]


  1. ASE
    ThirdEye: Attention Maps for Safe Autonomous Driving Systems
    Andrea Stocco, Paulo J. Nunes, Marcelo d’Amorim, and Paolo Tonella
    In Proceedings of 37th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering, 2022
  2. TSE
    Mind the Gap! A Study on the Transferability of Virtual vs Physical-world Testing of Autonomous Driving Systems
    Andrea Stocco, Brian Pulfer, and Paolo Tonella
    IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, 2022
    [Invited journal First track at ICSE 2023]


  1. JSEP
    Confidence-driven Weighted Retraining for Predicting Safety-Critical Failures in Autonomous Driving Systems
    Andrea Stocco, and Paolo Tonella
    Journal of Software: Evolution and Process, 2021
  2. ICSTW
    AI-based Test Automation: A Grey Literature Analysis
    Filippo Ricca, Alessandro Marchetto, and Andrea Stocco
    In Proceedings of 14th IEEE International Conference on Software Testing, Verification and Validation Workshops, 2021
    [Best Presentation Award]
  3. ICST
    Quality Metrics and Oracles for Autonomous Vehicles Testing
    Gunel Jahangirova, Andrea Stocco, and Paolo Tonella
    In Proceedings of 14th IEEE International Conference on Software Testing, Verification and Validation, 2021
    Web Test Automation: Insights from the Grey Literature
    Filippo Ricca, and Andrea Stocco
    In Proceedings of 47th International Conference on Current Trends in Theory and Practice of Computer Science, 2021
    [Best Paper Nominee]


  1. TSE
    A Survey on the Use of Computer Vision to Improve Software Engineering Tasks
    Mohammad Bajammal, Andrea Stocco, Davood Mazinanian, and Ali Mesbah
    IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, 2020
    Towards Anomaly Detectors that Learn Continuously
    Andrea Stocco, and Paolo Tonella
    In Proceedings of 31st International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering Workshops, 2020
  3. EMSE
    Testing Machine Learning based Systems: A Systematic Mapping
    Vincenzo Riccio, Gunel Jahangirova, Andrea Stocco, Nargiz Humbatova, and 2 more authors
    Empirical Software Engineering, 2020
  4. STVR
    BugJS: A Benchmark and Taxonomy of JavaScript Bugs
    Péter Gyimesi, Béla Vancsics, Andrea Stocco, Davood Mazinanian, and 3 more authors
    Software Testing, Verification And Reliability, 2020
  5. ICSE
    Misbehaviour Prediction for Autonomous Driving Systems
    Andrea Stocco, Michael Weiss, Marco Calzana, and Paolo Tonella
    In Proceedings of 42nd International Conference on Software Engineering, 2020
  6. ICSE
    Taxonomy of Real Faults in Deep Learning Systems
    Nargiz Humbatova, Gunel Jahangirova, Gabriele Bavota, Vincenzo Riccio, and 2 more authors
    In Proceedings of 42nd International Conference on Software Engineering, 2020
    [Best Artifact Award]
  7. ICSE
    Near-Duplicate Detection in Web App Model Inference
    Rahulkrishna Yandrapally, Andrea Stocco, and Ali Mesbah
    In Proceedings of 42nd International Conference on Software Engineering, 2020
  8. ICST
    Dependency-Aware Web Test Generation
    Matteo Biagiola, Andrea Stocco, Filippo Ricca, and Paolo Tonella
    In Proceedings of 13th IEEE International Conference on Software Testing, Verification and Validation, 2020


  1. ProWeb
    How Artificial Intelligence Can Improve Web Development and Testing
    Andrea Stocco
    In Companion of the 3rd International Conference on Art, Science, and Engineering of Programming, Genova, Italy, 2019
    Diversity-based Web Test Generation
    Matteo Biagiola, Andrea Stocco, Filippo Ricca, and Paolo Tonella
    In Proceedings of 27th ACM Joint European Software Engineering Conference and Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering, 2019
    Web Test Dependency Detection
    Matteo Biagiola, Andrea Stocco, Ali Mesbah, Filippo Ricca, and 1 more author
    In Proceedings of 27th ACM Joint European Software Engineering Conference and Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering, 2019
  4. ICST
    BugJS: A Benchmark of JavaScript Bugs
    Péter Gyimesi, Béla Vancsics, Andrea Stocco, Davood Mazinanian, and 3 more authors
    In Proceedings of 12th IEEE International Conference on Software Testing, Verification and Validation, 2019


  1. Adv.
    Three Open Problems in the Context of E2E Web Testing and a Vision: NEONATE
    Filippo Ricca, Maurizio Leotta, and Andrea Stocco
    In , 2018
    Demo Track
    VISTA: Web Test Repair Using Computer Vision
    Andrea Stocco, Rahulkrishna Yandrapally, and Ali Mesbah
    In Proceedings of the 26th ACM Joint European Software Engineering Conference and Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering, 2018
    Visual Web Test Repair
    Andrea Stocco, Rahulkrishna Yandrapally, and Ali Mesbah
    In Proceedings of the 26th ACM Joint European Software Engineering Conference and Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering, 2018
  4. ICSE
    Fine-Grained Test Minimization
    Arash Vahabzadeh, Andrea Stocco, and Ali Mesbah
    In Proceedings of the 40th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Software Engineering, 2018


  1. Ph.D.
    Automatic page object generation to support E2E testing of web applications
    Andrea Stocco
    Università degli Studi di Genova, 2017
  2. SQJ
    APOGEN: Automatic Page Object Generator for Web Testing
    Andrea Stocco, Maurizio Leotta, Filippo Ricca, and Paolo Tonella
    Software Quality journal, Sep 2017
  3. STVR
    PESTO: Automated Migration of DOM-based Web Tests towards the Visual Approach
    Maurizio Leotta, Andrea Stocco, Filippo Ricca, and Paolo Tonella
    Software Testing, Verification And Reliability, Sep 2017


  1. JSEP
    ROBULA+: An Algorithm for Generating Robust XPath Locators for Web Testing
    Maurizio Leotta, Andrea Stocco, Filippo Ricca, and Paolo Tonella
    Journal of Software: Evolution and Process, Sep 2016
    [Invited journal First track at ICSME 2016]
  2. ICWE
    Clustering-Aided Page Object Generation for Web Testing
    Andrea Stocco, Maurizio Leotta, Filippo Ricca, and Paolo Tonella
    In Proceedings of 16th International Conference on Web Engineering, Sep 2016
    [Best Student Paper Award]
  3. ICWE
    Demo Track
    Automatic Page Object Generation with APOGEN
    Andrea Stocco, Maurizio Leotta, Filippo Ricca, and Paolo Tonella
    In Proceedings of 16th International Conference on Web Engineering, Sep 2016
  4. FSE
    WATERFALL: An Incremental Approach for Repairing Record-Replay Tests of Web Applications
    Mouna Hammoudi, Gregg Rothermel, and Andrea Stocco
    In Proceedings of 24th ACM SIGSOFT International Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering, Sep 2016


  1. AST
    Why Creating Web Page Objects Manually If It Can Be Done Automatically?
    Andrea Stocco, Maurizio Leotta, Filippo Ricca, and Paolo Tonella
    In Proceedings of 10th IEEE/ACM International Workshop on Automation of Software Test, Sep 2015
  2. SBST
    Meta-Heuristic Generation of Robust XPath Locators for Web Testing
    Maurizio Leotta, Andrea Stocco, Filippo Ricca, and Paolo Tonella
    In Proceedings of 8th International Workshop on Search-Based Software Testing, Sep 2015
  3. ICST
    Using Multi-Locators to Increase the Robustness of Web Test Cases
    Maurizio Leotta, Andrea Stocco, Filippo Ricca, and Paolo Tonella
    In Proceedings of 8th IEEE International Conference on Software Testing, Verification and Validation, Sep 2015
  4. SAC
    Automated Generation of Visual Web Tests from DOM-based Web Tests
    Maurizio Leotta, Andrea Stocco, Filippo Ricca, and Paolo Tonella
    In Proceedings of 30th ACM/SIGAPP Symposium on Applied Computing, Sep 2015


  1. SCAM
    Demo Track
    PESTO: A Tool for Migrating DOM-based to Visual Web Tests
    Andrea Stocco, Maurizio Leotta, Filippo Ricca, and Paolo Tonella
    In Proceedings of 14th International Working Conference on Source Code Analysis and Manipulation, Sep 2014
    Reducing Web Test Cases Aging by means of Robust XPath Locators
    Maurizio Leotta, Andrea Stocco, Filippo Ricca, and Paolo Tonella
    In Proceedings of 25th International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering Workshops, Sep 2014


  1. WSE
    Web Testware Evolution
    Filippo Ricca, Maurizio Leotta, Andrea Stocco, Diego Clerissi, and 1 more author
    In Proceedings of 15th International Symposium on Web Systems Evolution, Sep 2013